A 5-day, self-paced, offering from the Center for Justice + Renewal that is designed to help justice advocates identify the liberation battle fronts to which you are called, and discover and sharpen the tools that already lie within you.

DIscerning your Innate

justice leadership gifts

Liberation is a gloriously “all hands on deck” endeavor. As we work to dismantle systems of oppression and co-create the beloved community, everyone is a leader and each leader has an invaluable and distinct role to play. Yet, with so many current events stirring our hearts and numerous calls for justice pulling us in every direction, it’s crucial that we honor our humanity by recognizing that we can’t fight battles on every front. To us, Resilient Justice Leadership – advocacy that is sustained for the long haul – involves discerning how and where we will strategically utilize our unique gifts. Each and every one of us possess innate justice leadership gifts that we can use to powerfully collaborate with others as we work to co-create the world for which we long. We simply need to discover, hone, and apply our gifts.

Transformational Outcomes

During this program, you will receive a series of social-science-based digital resources that:

  • Explore and affirm your specific heart longings for societal liberation

  • Help you awaken to undiscovered justice leadership gifts and/or identify new ways that your gifts can be strategically applied to liberation efforts

  • Prompt you to personally reflect on your innate gifts and the unique advocacy skills that you possess

  • Help you to apply a power lens to your discernment process by critically assessing how and where to employ your gifts in light of societal power inequities

  • Guide you to invite your community into your discernment and affirmation process

  • Support you to creatively and practically integrate your gifts with your heart longings for liberation

  • Inspire you to set intentions for your next liberation steps.



HOW THE CONTENT IS ORGANIZED: The core content for each day has been designed on an interactive google form. The content is designed on google forms so that program participants can easily respond to the prompts for each day. Upon submitting the form, you will receive a copy of your responses via email. We at the CJR will not read or store your responses.

RECEIVING THE PROGRAM CONTENT: Upon registering for this program you will receive a welcome email to the email address that you entered on the checkout page. 24 hours after receiving this welcome email, you will receive the email with the materials for Day 1. 24 hours after that, you will receive the email with the materials for Day 2, and so on until Day 5. Please save the email, office@justiceandrenewal.org to your contact list to ensure that the emails don’t get sent to spam.

You are needed and wanted on the liberation path and you have an irreplaceable role to play.


Christena Cleveland, Ph.D. is a social psychologist, public theologian, author, and activist. She is the founder and director of the Center for Justice + Renewal which supports a more equitable world by nurturing skillful justice advocacy and the depth to act on it.

A weaver at heart, Dr. Cleveland integrates psychology, theology, storytelling, and art to help justice seekers sharpen their understanding of the social realities that maintain injustice while also stimulating the soul’s enormous capacity to resist and transform those realities. 

Dr. Cleveland holds a Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of California Santa Barbara, a B.A. from Dartmouth College where she double majored in Sociology and Psychological and Brain Sciences, as well as an honorary doctorate from the Virginia Theological Seminary. An award-winning researcher and author, Christena is a Ford Foundation Fellow who has held faculty positions at several institutions of higher education — most recently at Duke University’s Divinity School, where she was the first African-American and first female director of the Duke Center for Reconciliation, and also led a research team investigating self-compassion as a buffer to racial stress. In 2022, she published her second full-length book, God is a Black Woman (HarperCollins), which details her 400-mile walking pilgrimage across central France in search of ancient Black Madonna statues, and examines the relationship among race, gender, and cultural perceptions of the Divine.  Her work has been featured in a number of major media outlets including the History Channel, PBS, Essence Magazine, the Washington Post, NPR, and BBC Radio.

Though Dr. Cleveland loves scholarly inquiry, she is also an avid student of embodied wisdom. She recently completed the Art & Social Change intensive somatic training for millennial leaders, and is currently deepening her mind-body-spirit integration in a year-long embodied leadership cohort for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.

A bona fide tea snob, lover of Black art, and Ólafur Arnalds superfan — Christena makes her home in Minneapolis.